
October 2009


The initiative of Darbi for seventh time gathered education from all over the world on 24 – 25 October 2009 in Sofia and on 27.10.2009 in Varna.


The main aim of our education fairs is to be as useful as we can to every of the visitors, who have decided to continue is education abroad. Our experience is showing us that the personal meetings with our consultants are very important for the future choice and career development of the young people.

Our efforts were directed to the fallowing points:

-       To assist in the future career choice

-       To assist for the language development and certificate preparation

-       To assist in the process of the documents preparation

-       To help in the psychological adjustment prior to departure abroad

-       providing financial support to families by directing them to the scholarship program;

-       work with our young principals starting from early language training through the vocational orientation, development of individual skills in sport, art, literature, development of attitudes such as resistance of attention, concentration, focus, a willingness to overcome difficulties for creativity and entrepreneurship.

During the European fair “Open doors fair for education abroad 2009” we had gathered representatives from many foreign institutions to help with a personal meeting to the visitors of the event and to explain in details the programmes they offer.



ref1Впечатлена съм от качествата на младите хора, които присъстват, както и от големия брой любознателни младежи, които се грижат за своето бъдеще чрез обучението си. Всичко по отношение на организацията е чудесно. Искам да благодаря на "Дарби" за това, за големия брой интересуващи се младежи.

Sherryl Major,
Schiller International University

ref2Southampton Solent University attended for the first time a fair organised by DARBI – ESHSA in 2006. The fair was well organised and well attended both by students and educational organisations. The venue was well chosen. I was really impressed with the quality of the Bulgarian students who came to the "Open Doors for Education Abroad" event. Their level of English was impressive and they were genuinely interested in studying abroad.
As for the organisers, DARBI – ESHSA, it has been a real pleasure working with them since the fair. They are efficient and easy to work with.
I look forward to working with them for the next recruitment year and taking part in the next 2 fairs they are organising.

Peggy Lardot,
Southampton Solent University

Впечатлен съм от броя на посетителите, както и от качествата на учениците. Те са целенасочени и амбициозни. Наясно са какво искат да учат и да се занимават.

Robert Clarke,
University of Hull


Darbi Consultancy

1000 Sofia

4 Sveta Nedelya Square, floor 5

Phone: +359 2 988 03 40; +359 2 988 10 82

Fax: +359 2 988 10 92

